Protein: Your Best Friend (and Cellulite’s Worst Enemy)

Summary: Protein is an essential macronutrient that serves as the body’s superhero, aiding in muscle repair, weight management, and maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. While it’s crucial for overall well-being, it’s important to strike a balance and avoid excessive intake, especially from higher-fat sources, to prevent long-term health issues. Incorporating high-quality protein sources from both animal and plant-based options into your diet can help you achieve your fitness goals while maintaining optimal health.

We all know proper nourishment is vital to feeling our best from the inside out. Our bodies require two major nutrient groups for optimal health and function. Macronutrients1 and micronutrients2 – the dietary dynamic duo.

Macronutrients are the big kahuna energy sources—carbs, proteins, and fats. These nutrients fuel everything from intense workout sessions to our basic metabolic functions, keeping our bodies operating optimally.

Micronutrients—vitamins and minerals—act as spark plugs for countless physiological processes. They include antioxidants to protect our cells, co-factors to activate enzymes, and more. These little power players are involved in everything from healthy skin and hair to immune function and hormone balance.

Protein is like your body’s superhero macronutrient, essential for weight management, muscle growth, repair, and maintenance. It’s the construction crew behind the scenes keeping everything running smoothly.

At its core, protein is made up of amino acids3, the tiny puzzle pieces that contribute to your overall health. It’s involved in repairing muscle tissues, blood sugar control, hormone production, immune function, and many other essential roles in the body.

Without enough protein, your body struggles to perform these vital tasks, potentially leading to health issues. That’s why it’s crucial to understand the importance of protein and take action by incorporating protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, soybeans, nuts, seeds, and beans, into your meals. By doing so, you’re providing your body with the necessary building blocks to thrive.

Let’s dig deeper.

What are Some of the Benefits of Protein?

As women, we all want to feel strong, energized, and confident in our bodies, right? Well, here’s a secret: getting enough protein in our diets is one of the keys to helping us feel and look our best.

Imagine you just crushed an intense workout or went for a long walk. Your muscles are feeling the burn! That burn means you’ve challenged your body, and those hard-working muscles have experienced microscopic tears. That’s a good thing!

This is where protein shines, rushing in to fix those tiny muscle tears. It gives your body the building blocks (amino acids) to rebuild and strengthen those muscles.

However, protein isn’t just a repair crew for your muscles after a workout; it’s also the architect for building new muscles over time. The more you challenge your muscles through exercise, the more protein your body needs to grow and develop them.

So, protein is your secret weapon whether you aim to get fitter or stronger or maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. By providing your body with the necessary building blocks, you’re essentially giving it the tools it needs to make all your hard work truly pay off in the form of a trimmer, more toned figure.

Can Protein Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals?

It sure can! Protein is a true secret weapon when it comes to achieving your weight loss goals4! One of my favorite things about protein is that it’s like a built-in appetite control system.

Have you ever noticed how after eating a protein-packed meal, like grilled chicken with quinoa and veggies or a hearty lentil soup, you feel pleasantly full for hours? You’re not uncomfortably stuffed – just satisfied. That feeling of satisfaction comes from protein’s amazing ability to promote satiety5 – that “I’m nourished and content” sensation. It’s almost like protein puts on the brakes for our hunger hormones, keeping cravings and excess snacking at bay. No more getting hangry an hour after a carb-heavy meal! This is because protein helps maintain blood sugar stability, slows absorption, and reduces spikes that often trigger more cravings.

Another key point is that protein is harder to store as body fat compared to carbohydrates or fats. Protein also has a higher thermodynamic effect6 (TEF) than carbohydrates and fats, meaning more calories are burned during digestion, absorption, and metabolism. This contributes to weight loss efforts, as your body has to work harder to break it down, actually burning more calories through dietary thermogenesis.

Research shows that protein also preserves your hard-earned lean muscle during weight loss7. That’s crucial because the more metabolically active muscle you have, the more calories your body naturally burns, even at rest. Swapping fat for muscle = a visibly tighter and defined physique.

Protein plays a crucial role in keeping hormones balanced by regulating essential hormones like ghrelin8 (the ‘I’m hungry’ hormone) and leptin9 (the ‘I’m full’ hormone), ensuring that the body’s cravings are kept in check.

Increasing your protein is one of the simplest yet most powerful nutritional upgrades you can make for steady, sustainable weight loss. You’re less likely to overeat, you preserve metabolic-boosting muscle, and your hunger hormones are optimized—it’s like unlocking your body’s natural weight-loss mode!

How Does Protein Help Maintain Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails?

If you want to keep your skin glowing, your hair shining, and your nails strong, protein must be a major part of your beauty regimen. It’s the ultimate inside-out radiance booster!


Let’s start with your skin. Protein’s magic is exceptionally vital for luminous, glowing skin! Collagen10, elastin11, and keratin12 make up the structure and scaffolding that keeps your skin smooth, plump, and youthfully resilient. As we age, our natural collagen production starts to decline, which can lead to wrinkles, sagging, and a general loss of our youthful radiance.

Protein is also a secret weapon in the battle against one of our biggest beauty woes – cellulite! See, those pesky dimples and ripples happen when the fibrous connective tissue underneath our skin starts weakening, allowing fat cells to bulge through. It’s not a great look. But protein, especially collagen protein, can help fight that loosening of the skin by fortifying it from the inside out.

Collagen provides the essential amino acids for healthy, tight skin. It stimulates new collagen production while reinforcing and repairing existing collagen fibers. The result? A smoother, more toned, and youthfully resilient body.

But we can’t forget about muscle tone, either! After all, nothing accentuates cellulite more than a lack of defined, shapely muscle underneath. This is where partnering collagen with a high-quality whey protein becomes a one-two punch of skin-smoothing amazingness.

The whey fuels fast muscle repair and growth to create that firm, contoured look. While the collagen is firming things up on a deeper level by maximizing skin’s elasticity and structure. It’s like a red-carpet-worthy dream team!

But our bodies can’t just whip up collagen out of thin air. We need to consume the specific amino acids that are collagen’s building blocks—glycine13, proline14, lysine15, and a few others. Eating protein-packed foods supplies our bodies with the raw materials they need to manufacture that precious collagen.

It’s important to note that collagen doesn’t just firm up our skin—the structural protein strengthens our bones, muscles, cartilage, and even our gut lining! Basically, it’s like the body’s internal support, keeping everything strong, flexible, and working properly. Include items like bone broth, marine collagen powders, or vitamin C in your diet to help activate collagen production. It’s a total youth-preserving package!


Did you know that your hair is literally made of protein? Those lovely locks you adore are formed by tight bundles of keratin, which gives them their strength, body, and lustrous sheen.

Without enough protein, your hair can become dry and brittle, breaking off and thinning out.But here’s the thing about protein and hair growth—it’s not like the more you eat, the healthier your hair is. It’s all about finding that sweet spot that works best for you. And trust me, you don’t need to go on crazy fad diets to get there. Just focus on getting your protein fix from good-quality sources as part of a balanced diet.

When you’re cruising along with just the right amount of protein—not too much, not too little—your hair follicles can happily soak up all those amino acids they need to keep your mane looking strong and vibrant. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, most healthy adult women don’t need to slam back those mega doses of protein for better hair growth. An excessive amount can actually make your hair fall out! Nobody wants that!


Lastly, we’ve got your nails, which are also primarily made of keratin. I know you love rocking a fresh mani, but flimsy, peeling nails are a total vibe-killer. Proper protein intake helps keep your nails strong and resistant to cracks, splits, and other unsightly damage.

Who knew this nutrient could multi-task so hard? Protein is truly a beauty essential for conquering cellulite and achieving that covetable all-over glow, inside and out.

Okay… So, How Much Protein Should You Aim For?

Figuring out the proper protein intake is so important to truly reap all those amazing benefits we discussed. Our protein needs can fluctuate based on different factors. Still, as a general guideline, most health authorities recommend around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for the average healthy adult16. But that’s just a baseline. Certain groups may need to aim higher:

For us ladies, our protein requirements can increase during pregnancy and breastfeeding to support the baby’s growth and nourishment. Around 1.1-1.3 g/kg is often recommended during these periods.

If you’re an active woman who strength trains or does intense cardio regularly, you’ll likely want to bump up your protein intake, too, maybe to 1.2-1.6 g/kg. All that muscle repair and rebuilding requires extra amino acids!

Age can also impact protein needs. As we age, we may require more protein to help preserve muscle mass and prevent age-related muscle loss, called sarcopenia17.

The key is tuning into your own body’s requirements based on your age, activity levels, muscle mass goals, and overall lifestyle. Don’t be afraid to experiment and see what protein intake leaves you feeling energized, recovered, and satisfied.

If you need help, use this Dietary Reference Intakes Calculator18 to determine your recommended daily protein intake (as well as other macros, vitamins, and minerals).

Is There Such Thing as Too Much Protein?

As amazing as protein is for our bodies, there can definitely be too much of a good thing going on. When our bodies take in protein, whether from animal or plant sources or protein powders, our bodies have to break it all the way down into amino acids to actually use it. Any excess that our body doesn’t need gets turned into waste products that our kidneys then have to filter out and expel through urine.

So, the more protein we consume, especially from animal sources like red meat, which is higher in purines, the more waste products build up in our bodies. Over time, this can seriously overwork our kidneys (and liver), which are doing their best to keep up!

Too much strain on the kidneys is no joke – it can set the stage for issues like kidney stones or even potential kidney damage down the road if they continue to get overwhelmed. Not exactly what we want for our overall health and vitality!

Plant-based proteins like lentils, nuts, and quinoa tend to be easier on the kidneys since they produce fewer waste byproducts. Of course, staying properly hydrated helps flush everything out efficiently. This is why water is so essential for overall wellness and nutrition.

The key is being mindful of not going overboard, especially if you’re really piling on animal proteins like steak, eggs, and whey supplements. Stick to reasonable servings and make sure to balance it out with fresh produce.

Remember that protein is your fitness bestie, helping you build strength and rock a healthy lifestyle. But even with your ride-or-dies, setting some boundaries is wise! So load up on those energizing proteins, but listen to your body, and don’t get too extreme. Your kidneys will thank you!

But What Happens If You Don’t Eat Enough Protein?

Many Americans actually consume more protein19 than the recommended daily intake, so this shouldn’t be a problem for most. But when you don’t get enough, your muscles suffer because they can’t repair and rebuild properly without adequate protein, especially after those killer workouts, leading to breakdown and wasting.

And it’s not just your muscles taking a hit— your immune system also relies on protein to stay strong and fend off illnesses. Falling short on protein can leave you feeling run down and more prone to catching whatever bugs are going around. Oh, that “B” word again… balance…

The Mind-Body Nourishment Journal 5

Is There a Best Time to Eat Protein?

There’s a lot of buzz around the “best” time to eat protein for maximum muscle-building benefits. But let me let you in on a little secret – your body is a lot smarter and more flexible than you might think when it comes to nutrient timing!

For years, we were told to chug a protein shake within 30 minutes post-workout to kickstart muscle repair and growth. But emerging research challenges that narrow “anabolic window” theory20. It turns out your muscles are primed to receive and utilize those amino acids for a much bigger window around your training session – anywhere from several hours pre-workout to even 24 hours after!

That said, getting in fast-digesting protein like whey, along with quick carbs immediately post-workout, can give your muscles a head start on recovery. Just don’t stress if your schedule doesn’t allow for a perfectly timed shake after your last rep.

The biggest priorities are hitting your total daily protein target through nutrient-dense whole foods, spacing it out around your workout window, and getting in some nutrients after training. Do that, and your body’s muscle-building machinery will be fired up!

Can Bodyweight Exercises Help Build Muscle?

Absolutely! Don’t let the lack of heavy weights fool you – calisthenics21 or bodyweight exercises can be an incredibly effective way to build lean muscle mass. It’s all about putting that resistance to work!

Think about it—every time you do a push-up, you’re lifting a huge percentage of your body weight! The same goes for squats, lunges, and other compound moves that engage multiple muscle groups at once. It’s resistance training at its most functional and straightforward. The key is creating that intense muscle stimulus through time under tension, high reps, slow eccentrics, and other progression tactics. The ability to endlessly progress these exercises by manipulating reps, tempos, leverage, and more means there’s always a new challenge for your muscles.

The best thing about bodyweight training is how versatile and accessible it is. You can crush an incredible full-body workout with little to no equipment anytime or anywhere. Talk about convenience!

So, if you can’t make it to the gym, don’t sweat it! Drop down and crank out some push-up variations, mountain climbers, and inverted rows using your bathroom door frame. Get creative and have fun sculpting a lean, toned build using your body weight as resistance. If you aren’t sure where to start, here’s a great way to incorporate bodyweight exercises into your routine!

High Protein Foods:

Including these high-protein foods in your meals can help you meet your daily protein requirements while providing essential nutrients for overall health and well-being.

Lean Meats: Lean meats such as chicken, turkey, beef, and pork are excellent sources of high-quality protein.

Fish: Salmon, tuna, and mackerel are rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for heart health.

Eggs: A complete protein source containing all essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.

Dairy Products: Milk, cheese, and Greek yogurt are rich in protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients. Opt for some low-fat dairy options occasionally to reduce saturated fat intake.

Legumes: Beans such as kidney and black beans, chickpeas, peas, and lentils are plant-based sources of protein that are also rich in fiber, folate, potassium, iron, and zinc.

Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and seeds like chia and pumpkin are high in protein and healthy fats.

Tofu: Soy products are a good sources of protein for vegetarians and vegans.

Quinoa: Quinoa is a plant-based complete protein source containing all essential amino acids, fiber, and minerals like manganese and phosphorus.

Nut Butter: Nut butters like cashew or peanut butter provide a quick and easy way to add protein to your diet. They are packed with nutrients like protein, folate, magnesium, and vitamin E.

The best part is that packing in these high-protein foods is so simple! Blend a scoop of protein powder into your afternoon smoothie, or toss black beans, salsa, and avocado into your egg omelet for a protein fiesta!

There are endless delicious ways to easily hit your protein targets by balancing quality animal and plant sources throughout the day. Your muscles will be nourished, your recovery will be on point, and you’ll be energized to keep crushing your goals!

In Conclusion

Protein is your body’s superhero, essential for growth, repair, and maintenance. But like anything in life, too much can lead to trouble. Overdoing it, especially from higher-fat sources like red meat, can set the stage for long-term health consequences. It’s all about finding that delicate balance to reap the benefits without the drawbacks.

Protein plays a vital role in our overall well-being. It promotes satiety and aids weight loss, supports muscle growth, and maintains healthy skin, hair, and nails. So, remember to prioritize high-quality protein sources from animal and plant-based options throughout the day. By fueling our bodies with the right amount of protein, we can achieve our fitness goals while keeping our health in check. Moderation is key in avoiding straining our kidneys, liver, and heart.

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  5. Halton TL, Hu FB. The effects of high protein diets on thermogenesis, satiety and weight loss: a critical review. J Am Coll Nutr. 2004 Oct;23(5):373-85. doi: 10.1080/07315724.2004.10719381. PMID: 15466943. ↩︎
  6. Ravn AM, Gregersen NT, Christensen R, Rasmussen LG, Hels O, Belza A, Raben A, Larsen TM, Toubro S, Astrup A. Thermic effect of a meal and appetite in adults: an individual participant data meta-analysis of meal-test trials. Food Nutr Res. 2013 Dec 23;57. doi: 10.3402/fnr.v57i0.19676. PMID: 24376394; PMCID: PMC3873760. ↩︎
  7. Cava E, Yeat NC, Mittendorfer B. Preserving Healthy Muscle during Weight Loss. Adv Nutr. 2017 May 15;8(3):511-519. doi: 10.3945/an.116.014506. PMID: 28507015; PMCID: PMC5421125. Cava E, Yeat NC, Mittendorfer B. Preserving Healthy Muscle during Weight Loss. Adv Nutr. 2017 May 15;8(3):511-519. doi: 10.3945/an.116.014506. PMID: 28507015; PMCID: PMC5421125. Preserving Healthy Muscle during Weight Loss – PMC ( ↩︎
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  16. Harvard Health Blog How Much Protein Do You Need Every Day ↩︎
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  20. Aragon AA, Schoenfeld BJ. Nutrient timing revisited: is there a post-exercise anabolic window? J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2013 Jan 29;10(1):5. doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-10-5. PMID: 23360586; PMCID: PMC3577439. ↩︎
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